Do not remain the patient still during irradiation
Poor positioning of the patient on the X-ray machine
Exposure to all sources of radiation (including the sun, soil minerals, home appliances, dental X-rays) may damage the body’s cells, where it can lead to the development of cancer. Fortunately, the radiation dose of dental X-rays is extremely low.
If you are concerned, talk to your dentist about the necessity of panoramic radiography.
Σε περίπτωση που ανησυχείτε συζητείστε με τον οδοντίατρο σας, σχετικά με την αναγκαιότητα της πανοραμικής ακτινογραφίας
• Imaging large areas of the teeth, tissues, even when the patient cannot open the mouth.
• The visualization of both jaws quickly enables the problem to be assessed, especially in extensive pathological lesions that extend to the birth site and extend from one half of the jaw to the other.
• Visualization of both sides of the lower jaw is useful especially in areas of lower jaw fractures.
• Useful for assessing a patient’s periodontal condition.
• Useful for assessing a patient’s orthodontic condition, especially for study in children with mixed dental barriers.
• The anterior, posterior and lower walls of the sinus are clearly depicted.
• Both lower jaw tubers are clearly depicted.
• The dose of radiation in digital panoramic radiography is much lower than that required for a complete examination of the patient with a full mouth intraoral.
• There is some distortion and enlargement of the final image
• Patients with special problems or young children are not easy to place correctly on the x-ray machine
• The cost of the X-ray machine is very high
• Reflects only part of the area to be studied
• Special authorization and special space is required within the dental clinic, which should be properly constructed (shielded with special lead sheets for complete radiation protection of the x ray room) so that it does not cause problems in the surrounding environment.
A digital panoramic x-ray costs 20 €
• In young people, mainly children with mixed dentition who need dental or orthodontic care.
• In patients who are going to have surgery for some maxillofacial disorder
• In patients suspected of having an impacted tooth
• Patients with clinical suspicion of jaw bone pathology after clinical examination
• In patients where there is evidence of TMJ dysfunction following clinical examination
• In patients where a foreign body is suspected of having soft mouth or jaw bones after clinical examination.
• In patients where slit, salivary glands, etc. are found after clinical examination.
• In patients where they are to place full dentures or fixed prosthetic work
• In patients who will place dental implants so has to assess the vertical dimension of the alveolar bone.
• In patients who have had a jaw bone fracture following an injury or accident
• Dental Dentition (permanent, primary, mixed)
• Teeth: (enamel, ostein, pulp cavity, dental sperm): position, type of teeth, relationship of teeth, information on their shape, number of teeth, size of teeth, initiation and degree of root resorption, orientation permanent teeth, prediction and prognosis of dental abnormalities, tooth eruption with sinus and nasal cavity, relationship with lower alveolar canal and existence and position of third molars (wisdom)
• Surrounding area: (Surrounding. Lamina dura)
• Bones of jaws: size, shape, symmetry of jaws, bone spikes, alveolar crest, coronoid process, lumbar incision, jawbone, lower alveolar nerve pore, lumbar puncture, lumbar puncture, lumbar puncture of the lower jaw.
• Pediatric program of digital panoramic image or partial panoramic imaging of the jaws
• Sinus program
• TMJ visualization program
• Vertical transverse tomography of the jaws
• Vertical abnormal segmental tomography of the jaws
The results of digital panoramic radiography are obtained immediately after scanning.
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewellery, earrings, glasses, partial denture, hearing aid).
Women should always inform of the possibility of pregnancy..
It is a valuable diagnostic tool (in combination with clinical examination several times) for the dentist that allows a single image to view and evaluate the findings related to teeth, surrounding tissues and jaw bones.
• The radiation dose in digital panoramic radiography is very low
• The radiation dose in digital panoramic radiation equals 12 hours of ambient radiation
• Panoramic X-ray = 0.007 – 0.038 mSV, where it is reduced by 90% in the case of F-speed, rare-earth screen 0.013.5 mSv. Just to inform, 100gr brazil nuts have 0.1 mSV.
• The radiation protection apron prevents radiation from reaching certain radioactive anatomical areas of the body such as the thyroid gland, bone marrow, hematopoietic and reproductive system.
• Thyroid shielding is not indicated for panoramic radiography as it may interfere with the primary beam.
• Lead aprons do not protect against radiation scattered internally in the patient’s body and in the case of panoramic radiography may interfere with the process and deteriorate the final image.
Dental Computed Tomography or Cone Beam Computed Tomography or CBCT or Dental Scan is a type of 3D dental x-ray where it shows 3D jaws, including teeth, nerves, bone and soft tissues. It is advisable when digital panoramic x – ray does not provide enough information and the dentist needs more information to evaluate and provide a treatment plan.
• 6x 6 or 8 x 8: Ideal for displaying a semi-jaw or jaw
• 12 x 8 or 15 x 8: for displaying 2 jaws
• 15 x 15: for the representation of the craniofacial complex
• The unique 2D and 3D image quality of the Veraview X800®,provides you with the information you need to accurately diagnose.
• The Veraview X800®,offers 360º and 180º scan options for CBCT images, allowing you to select according to display and purpose. With the exclusive Panoramic Scout function, the Veraview X800®, also lets you easily and correctly determines the right destination for small-field CBCT.
• Dose Reduction is another valuable feature of the Veraview X800®,for patient protection. In areas with lower bone density, the dose of X-rays is automatically reduced. The result is a reduction of exposure to radiation by up to 40%.
• The Veraview X800®,offers eleven fields of vision covering an extremely wide range of clinical indications. The Veraview X800®,is the first 2D / 3D combination system to offer a zoom reconstruction function.
The distinctive features of the Veraview X800®, include innovative automatic image optimization features, using real data. They provide glowing radiographs with the highest contrast and consistently high resolution – for clear diagnosis and successful treatment planning.
• For Cephalometric Radiographs, the Veraview X800®,combines excellent image quality with high acquisition speed and significantly reduced dose. The Veraview X800®,offers you two different programs for Cephalometric Exposures: Rear Anterior or Lateral
• The Veraview X800®,has received one of the highest awards for its design and functionality – the IF Gold Award.
• Face-to-face placement of the patient
• Accurately visualize the height, thickness, and alveolar bone inclination of the nasal cavity & design for precise placement of surgical dental implants
• Determination of bone in mouth, bone density measurement
• Study of craniofacial abnormalities, cranial and facial abnormalities
• In orthodontic patients, accurately radiographic display in ascending teeth, root orientation, abnormalities, etc.
• Determination of root canals in endodontically treated teeth
• Determination of jaw, sinuses, nasal cavity
• Determination for the detection and measurement of jaw tumors
• Determination of the origin of pain or pathology
• Accurate imaging of soft tissues
• Accurate imaging of bone with 3D image
• Study of the morphology and pathology of the cervical and visceral skull, with pathological changes of the soft molecules or bone, in patients to be operated on
• Study of TMJ, salivary glands and soft molecules
• Uniform magnification 1: 1
• Accurate Measurement
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewelry, earrings, glasses, partial denture and hearing aid).
Women should always be informed of the possibility of pregnancy.
The procedure is completely painless during the shooting. You can return to your daily activities after completing the exam.
• CBCT (one half or one jaw or both jaws) 0.061 mSv
• CBCT (craniofacial complex) 0.087 mSv
The radiologist will analyze the images and report the results to the attending dentist.
One region or one jaw: 70 €
Both jaws: 140 €
After contacting your insurance company and in consultation with the attending dentist, but usually not covered by public insurance.
As far as private insurance is concerned, it depends on the contract that each insured has.
If the patient is not sure why he should undergo this examination, it is advisable to consult with his/her attending dentist.
Only the attending dentist can answer this question. Probably, more information is needed from 3D X-ray to fully visualize the teeth, soft tissue and jaws.
Much lower dose of radiation
Soft tissues are not depicted
Coloration of anatomical areas
Determination for the detection and measurement of jaw tumors
Our knowledge is limited on the biological effects of fetal radiation, while there is concern. According to European legislation the fetus should not exceed 1μSv throughout pregnancy. The biological effect of radiation on fetus depends not only on the dose of radiation but also on the age of the fetus between 8 and 15 weeks. It is considered that:
• Embryos are more susceptible to childhood carcinogenesis, 2-4 times greater than adults.
• Malformations
• Growth delay
• Fetal death
• Intellectual deprivation
• A large number of radiographs are for children and adolescents where the risk of radiation is twice that of adults.
• The dentist is responsible for the clinical necessity of the radiographic examination and no radiographic examination should be performed without the referral of the attending dentist.
• Thyroid shielding has been found to reduce radiation doses by 45% during computed tomography
The radiation protection apron prevents radiation from reaching certain radioactive anatomical areas of the body such as the thyroid gland, bone marrow, hematopoietic and reproductive systems. Required for people with disabilities or young children or pregnant women.
You receive the results of CBCT (Dental Scan) within 24-48 hours after scanning.
Cephalometric radiography (or tele-radiography) means the technique of radiographing the craniofacial complex from the oblique and the frontal at constant receiving conditions. It produces an image of the entire head and the greater part of the cervical spine. Orthodontists are usually interested in the base level of the cranial base.
• Study of the relationship of bone molecules to each other
• Study of the relationship between the teeth
• Study of the relation of teeth to bones
• Study of the position and relationship of the soft molecules to the facial tooth-skeletal substrate
• Diagnosis of abnormalities of the dental system
• Determine the skeletal type of the face
• Identify the possibilities, achievements and limitations of orthodontic treatment
• Evaluation of therapeutic changes during orthodontic treatment
• Evaluation of therapeutic results after the end of orthodontic treatment
Differences in magnification, distortion and ambiguity in some areas
• Side oblique projection for lower jaw
• 45 degree angular projection
• 30 degree angular projection
• Rear view (front view)
• Rear view for lower jaw
• View of the base of the skull
The cost is 20€.
The radiation dose of lateral Cephalometric radiography is> 6 mSv. Just to inform, a transatlantic voyage has 0.08 mSv.
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewellery, earrings, glasses, hearing aids).
Women should always inform of the possibility of pregnancy.
In Cephalometric radiography, lead-free protection of the thyroid is necessary if the direction of the beam does not exclude the thyroid gland.
The results of lateral cephalometric radiography are obtained immediately after scanning.
Periapical radiography is the most important radiographic examination for the imaging of teeth and periapical tissues.
• Tooth and root imaging of the tooth and at least 2 mm of alveolar bone.
• Existence of caries or loss of dental substance
• Existence of periapical lesions
• Existence of internal or external root absorption
• Existence of tooth or root fractures
• Periodontal tissue examination
• Satisfactory sharpness and detail
• Intra-oral (F speed, rectangular collimator) 0.001 mSv
• Intra-oral (E speed, round collimator) 0.004 mSv
The cost of an periapical x – ray on an single tooth is 15 €
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewellery, earrings, glasses, partial denture, hearing aid).
Women should always be informed of the possibility of pregnancy.
You receive the results of the X-ray immediately after you receive the x-ray.
Full mouth X-rays are a series of periapical radiographs 14-20, for imaging the teeth and periapical tissues.
• Tooth and root imaging of the tooth and at least 2 mm of alveolar bone.
• Existence of caries or loss of dental substance
• Existence of periapical lesions
• Existence of internal or external root absorption
• Existence of tooth or root fractures
• Periodontal tissue examination
• Satisfactory sharpness and detail
Full-mouth set (E speed, round collimator) 0.080 mSv
The cost of a full mouth radiographic examination is 90 €
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewelry, earrings, glasses, partial denture, hearing aid).
Women should always inform of the possibility of pregnancy.
Full mouth results are obtained within 60 minutes after x-rays.
It is the only method, except from arthroscopy and open surgery that can illustrate the morphology of the temporomandibular structure (TMJ).
It is therefore useful to diagnose any fractures, neoplasm, lower jaw asymmetry, tuberculosis TMJ hypertrophy, and more.
• The neck and head of the tuber, the temporal tubercle, and the anterior joint are depicted.
• Tubeless ness or asymmetry
• Pipeline hypoplasia
• Tuberculosis hyperplasia TMJ
• Lower jaw dislocation
• TMJ Anchorage
• Fragment of TMJ
• TMJ neoplasm
• Intra-articular disc abnormalities
• TMJ arthritis (osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis)
The cost of a TMJ radiographic examination is 30 €
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewellery, earrings, glasses, partial denture and hearing aid).
Women should always be informed of the possibility of pregnancy.
Full-mouth set (E speed, round collimator) 0.080 mSv
Radiographic examination results are obtained immediately after scanning.
Bitewing X-ray is a 58 x 76 mm intraoral radiograph.
• The palate area is examined
• Examine the area of the mouth in the lower jaw.
• To control the local area in one half of the upper jaw or throughout the palate
• To control the area in one half of the lower jaw or all over the floor of the mouth and bones of the lower jaw.
• In cases of impacted teeth, mainly canines of the upper jaw, incisors of the supernumar teeth, cleft palate, pathological condition of the jaw bones, presence of sialoliths, malignant lesions of the upper or lower jaw, jaw fracture check, presence of foreign body in jaw
.• Assessment of the possible pathology and location of non-ascending teeth
• Skeletal type study
• Possible help in locating the route of the lower alveolar nerve block.
The radiation dose of the x-ray is 8 mSv
The cost of a single tooth x-ray is 25 €
No special preparation is required. Prior to the examination you will be asked to remove any metallic objects (jewellery, earrings, glasses, partial denture and hearing aid).
Women should always be informed of the possibility of pregnancy.
The results of the radiography are obtained immediately after the x-ray is taken.
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